Personal Webpages (PWP)
I'm a part of a small network of local web developers engaging in a successor project to Blueyonder's PWP system. If you want to have a look at my silly contributions, check out the PWPs:
Work projects
In this project, I assisted in building the dev environment that facilitated a partner with the ability to reskin their VuFind site. As VuFind is a legacy project, we used LESS rather than SASS. The final result perfectly matches their corporate branding.
My first professional project, I was tasked with redesigning the interface for a customer's Koha library system. I used SASS to perform most of the styling changes, and jQuery to make quality-of-life improvements, without interfering with Koha's underling Perl scripts.
My projects
EVE Online Race Discovery
EVE Online is a video game set 20 000 years into the future. I thought it would be a cool way to learn Vue, by creating an applet that asks a user a series of questions, and gives them their optimum EVE Online empire at the end.
BSc Applied Comp Sci
A comprehensive collection of all my Degree projects. Feel free to have a nosey around – you might be especially interested in sdfd209, where I created a 2D and 3D game engine, from scratch, using OpenGL & C++.
The first web-based project I did in university that didn't rely on static HTML/CSS/JS, the project is entirely written in node, and features an HTTP engine with an accompanying SQLite3 database.