Hello, world! Hello, world? That's lame. Still, welcome to the site. I've spent the past two weeks tweaking it, so I hope you like it. I mainly plan on using this site as a place for me to discuss my interests, and share a few snippets of my life.

For the curious, I've used Jekyll to build it all – an utterly delightful process, I understand the hype! I'll be putting it on my microserver here at home, to see how much traffic I generate. If I end up burning a hole in my wallet, I'll ship you lovelies off to Germany to live a peaceful life at Hetzner.

Over the next few months, I'm going to aim to get a post up on here once a week – if that proves sustainable, I'll keep at it, and if that drives me insane, I'll conversely dial it back. Don't expect quality content or thought-provoking diatribe, but I will definitely be revelling in the antics of the general election here in the UK.

Off to the bar now for an alcohol-free gin. Keep the peace, folks! Ciao.